What's an Interruptor?

It Results in an Unstoppable Powerful Dynamic Message!


Illegal Immigrants Caught at BorderIn business, the term 'Disruptor' is used to convey a dominance in its effect on operations such that the disruptor completely changes that business sector's operations or product and/or service offerings.

In politics, the term when used is a divisive term, to say the least, and is understood to intend harm to its recipient cause. Its use is often with no regard for the individuals affected. Why should there be?  There is nothing of importance in its application that they care about except its intended result.  So the moral evaluation is that the end meets its demise.


 There are currently three obvious Disruptors being used:Roe v Wade news headline with gavel on a copy of the United States Constitution


1.  As a Secondary Disruptor:  The 'Weaponization of the Law' against political opponents as a distraction mechanism

2.  As a Secondary Disruptor:  The 'Battle at the Border' usage of Illegal Immigration as a distraction mechanism

3.  As the Primary Disruptor:  The insidious use of the 'Abortion Issue' as a 'reverse messaging tool' to distract voters from its real purpose.

(Regardless of what might be an intended voracity, the use of the three disruptors, because they are openly engaged in public, even an unintended result is the same!)

stars stripes equal rightsThe potential loss of 'The Bill of Rights' by distraction from the very thing many think they are protecting happens while voting for highly emotionalized and often uninformed one-issue politics.  The demise of 'The Bill of Rights' is the real purpose hidden in the reverse messaging of the Primary Disruptor.  It is the most difficult to absolve due to its slow destruction of the moral fabric in our communities because of how issues related to it are successfully voted on.

The loss of our position at the seat of power stops needed activity in protecting the very rights that are being taken away from us because of it.  Ultimately, this trick of reverse and/or double messaging hinders our ability to make a safe, secure, thriving community and state.


What is an Interruptor?  It puts an end to the 'Evil caused by Distruptors' and replaces them through 'dynamic action' using empowered knowledge, direct-strong political leadership, respect for the law, and if by treason or criminal behavior appropriate legal action.


Yes, You are the Interrupter!

 Ed Gross; MORVets Chair

Let's build on our foundation of knowledge to eradicate the use of Disruptors to destroy our cities, states, and country!