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'Modern MNGOP'

Simplicity, Accessibility, Responsive, Responsible, Objective, and Obtainable!

 As per MORVets Objective Parameters Statement (OPS) Dated and Accepted on February 15, 2024


The quest to 'endear' the 'General Public,' the actual voting client, that we serve as party members in the MNGOP was begun by people much like MORVet's current leadership. Several small groups within the party, including MORVets, have been quietly working to discover operational methods that will excite our client, the General Public, our diverse young people, and its new citizens with pertinent information that provides simplicity and accessibility to our party apparatus.  To ensure a vibrant engagement and future of the party, these interests were developed while respecting the importance of our party's heritage and its participation in the Great State of Minnesota.

Today, those devoted teams are actively assembling new methods, and blending them with respect for our heritage, but very importantly a mindset for the future. By designing a responsive apparatus our party is going to be more capable in developing participation to find and analyze how the MNGOP can do better in presenting the best current ideas for acceptance to our client, the General Public. The driving reason for a modern expression of these ideas from within our MNGOP organization focuses on ease of accessibility and simplicity in its guidance coinciding with the broader Republican representation and like-minded voters in Minnesota.

This interest in simplicity and accessibility is driven by the now instant access to information. To a certain extent, an imagined or unseen accountability is being made by young people, mature adults, and our newest citizens.  They have now become accustomed to this quick processing, and this thinking too has been applied to reasoning, thus creating additional communication and relational problems because of the status in today's highly developed communication systems.  This dominant change in perceptions in rapid information gathering has altered how the General Public views many topics, especially the operations of local political party expectations and certainly the same realities in state and national politics.

This complete remake of how we form up and work with ideas to enhance their simplicity, immediate accessibility, and thus accountability has everything to do with making those ideas responsive, responsible, objective, and ultimately obtainable. 

This subject, since 2012, has been an active MORVets quest.  We are grateful to see our executive state party leadership wholeheartedly step forward in supporting our multi 'Team' efforts to make the MNGOP acceptance real in the minds of its future leaders, the General Public, and most importantly the young and newer voters who are now entering the sphere of knowledge needed to fully engage with protecting their freedoms.

The belief is that the comprehensive focus on reliable, consistent, instant and easy access for 'grassroots' engagement within our structure will create visibly objective and accessible methods in the communication of party structural operations; Thus, the Modern MNGOP will drive a free objective engagement process and the MNGOP to even greater service to its clients, the Great People of the Great State of Minnesota.


Ed Gross, MORVets Chair


 Ultimately, as Citizens, We must each Strive Together to Support, Establish, and Protect 'The Bill of Rights!'



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